Text Box:  Tommye-K., where did the PrinceGallison aStore come from?
After the first edition of One-Handed in a Two-Handed World came out, I was fielding phone calls, from one-handed readers and from family members and OTs, at all hours, from all over asking, how do I get... There really were no good answers.  
I’d explain, you should be able to get a cutting board at this place, but a stringy stress ball you might find at another place and well, I think I found my knife rack online…
Then Amazon.com began selling almost all the assistive devices/gadgets I describe in the book, and even new ones I’ve found, and made it possible to gather sets of items like this in a portal they called an aStore.  So I did —one-stop shopping for managing single-handedly.
 To get there, just click the PrinceGallison aStore logo above. I arranged the aStore by chapter heading, adding  separate sections titled:"The 10 Essential Gadgets," "10 More I wouldn't want to Do Without," and "Newly Discovered Gadgets.” 
What’s next for the PrinceGallison aStore?  
My plan is to post links to UouTube videos of managing single-handedly, ones I make & that I find.  I’d 
also like to figure out how to connect with the one-handed community I hope grows on the One-Handed 
in a Two-Handed World FaceBook page.  Click the book cover with the FB F to Like One-Handed in a Two-
Handed World on FaceBook and join the discussion, share how you do it single-handedly and with what tools.
Text Box: Prince Gallison
There's always a way--help finding it.



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